Best is yet to come!

Wow!!!!! What an adventure this past month has been. Mom life is still crazy, amazing and beautiful. These kids have me going crazy one moment to being so amazed and blessed to be able to be called mom.
People always say you never know love until you have a child which I believe to be 100% true. They left out the other you never know stuff like you probably never knew you could survive on such little sleep or not puke everywhere after being puked on, or that your child could possibly be the nasty nose picker and not care who watches her dig for gold (smh). I am still living on coffee which I have realized has not and will not ever change but these kids are amazing. Mom life is amazing. Do I have it all together? no! Do I sleep all day? Lol what is sleep?? People get this idea that a stay at home mom does just that. WRONG!! We are doctors, personal shoppers, maids, cooks, business owners, dreamers and woman. We do so much more!!
This month I've been doing a challenege with my business. Every week I have homework that pushes me out of my comfort zone and into success. I have a love hate relationship for being challenged. I have my first team member on my team I'm officially senior beauty consultant. Can't wait to see this months changes and challenges. I absolutely love the product, brand, company and my unit. I've never had so many beautiful amazing woman who are so strong cheering me on. I love it! They inspire me daily to do better and be better. I've learned so much from them in such a short amount of time. I'm excited for the future!!!


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