She's a dreamer
Crazy as children we have these amazing imaginations. The impossible doesn't exist in our worlds. We are invincible. We are super hero's, princesses. We are amazing warriors. We dream these amazing dreams that are huge at times crazy but we believed they were able to come true. We would day dream about when we would walk in those dreams and live them out. No was not an option! Failure didn't exist and fear was spoken by our parents we feared nothing. For many years I thought exactly like that than within moments catastrophe hits. As children innocents is the one thing that holds those day dreams and invincibility together like glue. When our innocents is shaken or at times removed unwillingly that glued is washed away and those dreams at times disappear. We grow up at times resenting how naïve we were to think they were possible or completely throw away dreaming all together. We take on the role of adult and hop into the wheel of life strap in and hold on. Wake up, work at a job we are unhappy at, eat, sleep and repeat. We see those fortunate enough to have the glue stay intake from childhood to adulthood and live the dreams they use to speak of. We congratulated but might secretly be jealous of or just still not able to really understand how they held on to that dream and fear didn't seep up and snatch it from them.
I at 32 years old am starting to understand you can hold onto those dreams and day dream and see it all come to pass. The secret is........ not sure if you are ready for it........its super huge!!! Its forgetting what we've told ourselves and the negative things we allow to be spoken in our presence. Super hard right?? Except its not lol. I laugh because I myself am just realizing. As a parent telling my children to dream and dream big is easy, watching them dance and be a princess or build a fort and sit in their castle with them is fun. I also always tell them can't is a bad word that anything is possible. To watch who they surround themselves with that those people can influences their lives that to talk positive about themselves and ask who's in your heart? As always they answer God and Jesus. As a mom that part is easy for me to do. But do I believe it for myself?
I would before of course say yes. But until this past year I didn't. I held on to past destruction caused by others or myself. I allowed the toxic words of others start to become mine. Crazy how that starts to work. After hearing things about yourself or who you are if you don't truly confront it you start to believe it. Well at least that's what happened with me. This past year my life of course changed I became a stay at home mom, a business owner but I really examined my life. What dreams did I have that I put on a shelf or lost? Who did I want to be?? Not just a mom or wife those were titles but who did I want to be? With that I started looking at what I told myself. Recently I went on the most amazing women's getaway with the most beautiful genuine souls I have the honor of knowing. We spoke of who we were after telling my story I was told who they saw me as. WOW!! I than realized who I thought I
When you are in a room with smoke and you walk out you smell like smoke its impossible to walk out smelling clean. The same is true if you are in an environment with naysayers or negative people its almost impossible for you to not start being negative. I noticed I would have negative self talk. Eliminating that and replacing it with only positive thoughts or surrounding myself with people who speak life and dream bigger than me is the key to forgetting what others said I should be. I am mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a business owner, a Christian, a fighter, a champion, a work in progress but I am a dreamer and a believer that I am capable of anything. My goal is to remind those who stopped dreaming that your only limit is you, you truly can do anything!!
When you are in a room with smoke and you walk out you smell like smoke its impossible to walk out smelling clean. The same is true if you are in an environment with naysayers or negative people its almost impossible for you to not start being negative. I noticed I would have negative self talk. Eliminating that and replacing it with only positive thoughts or surrounding myself with people who speak life and dream bigger than me is the key to forgetting what others said I should be. I am mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a business owner, a Christian, a fighter, a champion, a work in progress but I am a dreamer and a believer that I am capable of anything. My goal is to remind those who stopped dreaming that your only limit is you, you truly can do anything!!
Thank you!