Raising these tiny humans so just mind yo business
I always say being a mom is the best job I've ever had which is sooo true. I love these tiny humans! I take pride in the title "Mommy". I know that doing a great job will only help create amazing adults. I know my job is one of the most important things I will ever do in life. I love these tiny humans so much! Every day we have together regardless tough, crazy or calm and quiet will one day be my best memories. that all my sleepless nights or endless amounts of laundry those will be over and they will be grown and gone out of my house with their own lives and families. I cherish each day and strive to give it my best. I have overcome mountains of stress from leaving an unhealthy relationship to becoming single mom to becoming single mom with 2 kiddos to blending a family. I make it a point to speak to each one of my children the way that works best for them. Communication is key in any successful employment parenting is no different. We do whatever works. Our 2 year old sleeps with us our 6 year old sleeps in a toddler bed in our room. Is that what is ideal? Is that what other parents would do? I DO NOT CARE!! It's what works for us! I have found that in my 11 years of being parent that the only thing that truly matters is what works for you. Everyone will have an opinion "OMG you breastfed for a year?", "do you think its healthy that your 2 year old sleeps with you? Do you know how hard it will be to wean her from that?", "Why doesn't your 6 year old sleep in your room?", "I would never.......etc" These are all statements I've heard along with the ignorant ones claiming my children who are biologically my husbands are treated better than the ones that aren't...news flash ignorant folks they are not . We strive to make sure we parent each child the best way that works for them along with making sure each feels loved from both of their parents. My children do not know the term step parent in my home. Their dad is their dad!!!! We ask what can we do better as parents regularly because lets face it sometimes we all screw up on the job parenting is no different. I want to know what I've done wrong or what they think I can improve on and how can I do it better. I want to raise tiny humans who have the capability in actually voicing their opinions and know how to work on a team (our family) to make any issue better. I love those critters enough to put my pride aside and know I have areas of improvement and fix them.
I say all this because I became a mom at 20 years old. I was young I am the youngest mom out of my kids 6th grade class. My 21st birthday was spent breastfeeding and my worries were not of college courses they were who could watch my child as I worked 2 jobs to provide for her. Now after years of struggling and trying to prove to myself and at times my family that I am a great mom young or not I know I am. My kids are crazy but they are amazingly great and me and my hubby did that. We helped mold and lift up these tiny humans to believe that "can't" is not allowed to be a word they can speak referring to what they are capable of. That they are amazing in their own ways. Its frustrating when you hear others unable to understand that blended families do not have to treat one child better than the other, that all children can be loved and treated equal, its sad to hear you are not a great parent from those who do not care to devote time to debunk their own ignorant opinion that holds no truth whatsoever. If you are a parent and your kid is awesome I don't care to critique how you parent or judge what you do in your house how is that my business?? It baffles me. What I learned in past 11 years is do whatever works for your family they are the only ones that matter. Parenting is already hard enough please keep negative comments to yo self!!!
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