Making friends at any age can be somewhat awkward at first, fearful to some and others it can be effort less but that is not the hard part. Meeting complete strangers, learning their names than learning about their lives, their background, who they are is actually the easy part. Keeping them seems to be the struggle.
I've come to learn the older I've gotten as the seasons in life change so do the people around you. Not everyone will stay forever! It's hard at times to truly fathom that. Years, months hours you may invest, tears you may have cried, hours of telephone therapy, hours of deep belly laughs until you cry, pictures capturing memories.All these hours that have been invested, chapter after chapter of knowledge of this one
person you know, love and care faults and all...end. Regardless of the reasoning at the end of the day losing a friendship means losing all that time with that person. No more over the phone therapy or hours of deep belly laughs that chapter is over. It's almost impossible not to have that small bit of heartache. In most all relationships future plans were made, future dreams were discussed all those come to an end.
People change we grow we find different interest our dreams change, goals, we have families, get married, move on,, move away but being able to have those rare humans who share a bit of our history is nice. Friendship is work, its taking two different humans and meshing them together to have this one unique bond. Appreciate those who take the time to deal with your crazy, or are there whenever you may need a ear or shoulder to vent and cry on, appreciate those who show up and love you no matter the good or bad the ones who will cry with you than pray over you, the ones who randomly pick you up because they knew its what you needed, appreciate those who remind you of who you are when you may forget those are the ones worth keeping.
I've come to learn the older I've gotten as the seasons in life change so do the people around you. Not everyone will stay forever! It's hard at times to truly fathom that. Years, months hours you may invest, tears you may have cried, hours of telephone therapy, hours of deep belly laughs until you cry, pictures capturing memories.All these hours that have been invested, chapter after chapter of knowledge of this one
person you know, love and care faults and all...end. Regardless of the reasoning at the end of the day losing a friendship means losing all that time with that person. No more over the phone therapy or hours of deep belly laughs that chapter is over. It's almost impossible not to have that small bit of heartache. In most all relationships future plans were made, future dreams were discussed all those come to an end.
People change we grow we find different interest our dreams change, goals, we have families, get married, move on,, move away but being able to have those rare humans who share a bit of our history is nice. Friendship is work, its taking two different humans and meshing them together to have this one unique bond. Appreciate those who take the time to deal with your crazy, or are there whenever you may need a ear or shoulder to vent and cry on, appreciate those who show up and love you no matter the good or bad the ones who will cry with you than pray over you, the ones who randomly pick you up because they knew its what you needed, appreciate those who remind you of who you are when you may forget those are the ones worth keeping.
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