My cry for you

Dear pretty girl,
  I have prayed over you, with you and about you. Your name symbolizes hope. You my dear were made for greatness. Our start was rough but what amazing journey isn't? From day one I knew you were different. I knew what I carried was priceless and world changing. With every kick and wiggle you gave me confirmation of Gods words, "The best is yet to come". He gave me a promise and a reminder that it would be okay, that I would be okay.
  Our relationship is one I've never had. I ask a zillion annoying questions, I am always in your business. I always check if you are okay and can tell when you are telling the truth or trying to shut me up. I want to make sure any doubt the world may try to feed to you I can drown them out with reminders of what God called you to be. You my dear were meant for greatness! God gave you to me when I felt as thou a way was not possible he used you to show me there was.
  You were born and whisked away after birth. You were born with your cord wrapped around your neck multiple times, you were purple. As a first time mama I was fearful but I trusted what God had been speaking to me from the day I found out about you, We would be okay. Two hours passed and they brought you back to me. When the room was cleared and it was just the two of us I held you and sand itsy bitsy spider and you looked right at me and smiled. Brand new, already fighting for your place in this world I had the talk with you..."Life will be hard but we are tough we might have tough days but I promise you I will get us out of them" right than just hours old your looked at me and smiled at me. Was just another reminder that God handed me hope.  Months passed some good and most bad but we made it. Together you and I. When days were hard you would giggle and remind every situation is subject to change, our situation was temporary we just had to hold on to what God promised us.
  I thank God for his strength and helping me leave our situation. I thank God he brought your daddy in my life. I am so beyond grateful he loves you as though you are his first born. I am so blessed that stepdad is not even a term used in our home. He was not only able to show you what a true man of God, a father is supposed to be he was able to show you what a healthy relationship is with the way he loves me.
  I made it a point to leave when you were young. In my mind I could protect you from any harm. As you grow older I am learning I can't protect you from all the bad in the world. I have to equipped you with the tools to know pretty girl some days you may not feel pretty but God created you in his imagine to be one of a kind, when you feel worthless God said you were worth more than ruby's and pearls. When you feel as though the world is against you let me remind you no weapon formed against you shall prosper. When you feel as though you have no one to talk to let me remind you to cry out to God. When you feel its to much and you can't deal you are a warrior!!
  I am not perfect I will fail you time after time. I will fall short. I may miss the mark but I promise you I will always listen to you, I will love you always! My dear you were made for greatness!! Never be embarrassed of your journey, never feel like you are less than, never think you are not loved. I fought for you from the moment I found out about you and I promise you I will never stop.
  The days might not always be the brightest but baby girl the sun is shinning and when days feel dark God is our light. I will be here for you even when I'm not physically you my love got me through my darkest days. You my dear "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" 1 Peter 2:9

                                                                         Love you more than all the stars in the sky
More than all the fish in the sea
Cause God and Jesus gave you to me 


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