Sleep tiny feet
Dear tiny humans,
Today is Friday December 4th 2015. I completely understand the excitement of it being the day leading into the weekend. I get how today is last day of school and I too would be super excited to not have to wear uniforms tomorrow. I get it is what I am trying to say. What I do not get or fail to understand is the fact that you are all up at 5:30. Why?? Yes I am awake however its not by choice!!
I do not understand how you have so much energy. Why is the little one singing Adele than the Abc's at the top of her lungs? Why is lil mister playing ninja's? Who has the toy monkey that makes the monkey sound? It sounds like a jungle in this house. A straight mad house! I hear Adele, a straight chimpanzee, to mini wannabe Bruce Lee, to "Mom he's not sharing". I know you all think I am amazing, that I am a super hero. I love all you tiny humans for that........however super hero's need rest. How is it that spider man can shoot that web you ask? SLEEP How can batman drive his bat mobile and catch the bad guy?? SLEEP
I have no problems with you being ninja's, Adele, race car drivers whoever your little heart desires to be for that moment. I fully support you!! However between the hours of 5-6:30 am I am requesting to dream about being all or any of those things. Let your little brain have rest, your little body have time to recuperate and your imagination run wild. Mommy is not able to be amazing, creative or a super hero before those hours. What you will see is a wild crazy beast who has not consumed enough Starbucks to fully function.
So shhh no more ninja, no more singing, no more playing rest you tiny lil people. One day your days will be crazy consumed with worries, bills and much bigger problems. Get as much rest as possible so you can be crazy amazing when you wake up!!!
Love you tiny lil people more than all the stars in the sky and fish in the sea...
cause God and Jesus gave you to me ♥
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