Structured chaos

  Christmas is days away. Yesterday we completed Christmas concert #3 for the week. For some reason Arizona weather decided to finally realize December is a winter month and it's been extremely cold. Traveling solo with 4 kids in an adventure to put it nicely.
  Compelete structured chaos has been my week. Love how my lovely children decide to tell me about Christmas parties last minute. Not only was I volunteered to make food (enchiladas at that) for food festival, I also need to provide 26 snacks or gifts for their friends for class. Oh and everything has to be homemade. Listen I'm advent about homemade food, snacks try to each as much organic as possible however I have a sick kiddo.
  Sick kiddos equal no sleep, projectile vomit (usually if not always on you) crying, wanting to be held by no one but mommy and nothing getting done but tending to them. Tonight consisted of a Christmas concert (my last thank you Jesus) vomit, feeding the tribe, rocking mini me to sleep but being unable to move because she has a fever and needs me at all times in arms reach.
  I waited until the right moment to truly test out my ninja skills. Thank God they worked!! I was able to make 50 snacks as well as enchiladas. Mission complete!!! NOPE!! At 3am mini me wakes up still running fever and wants a bath. It's not 4 am everyone is now snoring, all snacks and food are done. I will be awake at 6:30. Mommy struggles never end!!!!!


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