Butterflies and Rainbows
It would be lovely to believe everyone morning begins with rainbows and butterflies. That I am awaken after 9am after sleeping the required 8 hours of a goodnights rest. That no arguing takes place in my house. That all meals are cooked by me and all dishes are immediately clean and put away leaving my counters spotless. That me and stress do not walk hand in hand. I have enough time to exercise, do laundry put it away and walk both dogs. That everything in my house runs smooth because lets face it I'm a stay at home mom how hard can it be. Ha!!!
I have realized this mom thing is so hard. I know I must sound like a broken record but raising tiny humans is exhausting. They do not care how many hours of sleep I get. They know mommy survives off coffee and that's normal for them. Butterflies and rainbows are exchanged for arguing and fighting at 6am over who pours cereal. I try to not buy processed food and cook all meals in my home. To me what they consume is so important and teaching that veggies and fruit are always go to snacks I think will only make them wise tiny humans. But lets be real ordering pizza every now and than is a must, mommies get tired of cooking and need a day off too.
Reality is I suffer from migraines have for few years and when one of those babies hit like today no cooking is being done by mommy. It's amazing how one little task of not cooking can cause a downward spiral in emotions. Can I be real?? Being a stay at home mom or just a mom does not mean we or I have all the answers. I am literally winging it! My house is not a pigpen at all but is it spotless? NEVER! I have 4 kids who spend most the days being ninjas princesses or creative preteens. That is okay.
When a migraine hits its like a tornado. My emotions are all over the place. Everything hurts and all noises make it worse. A house containing 4 kids equals no silence. Smells make me want to vomit and if I don't get to my anti-nausea medicine fast than that's exactly what happens. Which boost that migraine for a level 4 to 10 in no time. Dwelling on the pain and listening to the guilt of needing some me time can seriously make any mom feel even worse. But the reality is me time is necessary to be a healthy amazing mom. I was me before I was a mom. Taking time to nap or have a long bath is okay. That's when dad can step in so mom can get back to being herself! Team work makes the dream work!
Today has been one of those migraine filled days. It began as a headache yesterday and due to maybe 6 hours of sleep it came in like a wrecking ball (that literally made me lol). I was no use to anyone. As I laid in my bed balling because yet again another migraine has ruined the day I opened up my bible to read "Peace of mind must precede peace in every other area of our lives. Isaiah 26:3 promises perfect peace to those who keep their minds on God. When we allow our minds to wander and when we think too much about everything we do, we push ourselves out of peace and into turmoil; when we think about the future and the responsibilities we will have, we can be overwhelmed. This kind of thinking is called anxiety. Likewise, we grow anxious and lose our peace when we spend today trying to figure out tomorrow or we try to live tomorrow in our minds today.
We will never enjoy the rich and fruitful lives God intends for us unless we learn to discipline our thoughts and resist anxiety by keeping our minds on God. I often say: "Where the mind goes, the man follows". Let your mind lead you into peace."- The Everyday Life Bible. Which is so true! So today will not be ruined! I took some medicine, put on some classical music in my ear buds, did what makes me happy sketched and now I will be superwoman. Don't let one hiccup ruin your day, pray stay focused on God and know we as mom's are not supposed to have it all together it's okay to take a day off and just have you time your family will love you for it in the end.
I have realized this mom thing is so hard. I know I must sound like a broken record but raising tiny humans is exhausting. They do not care how many hours of sleep I get. They know mommy survives off coffee and that's normal for them. Butterflies and rainbows are exchanged for arguing and fighting at 6am over who pours cereal. I try to not buy processed food and cook all meals in my home. To me what they consume is so important and teaching that veggies and fruit are always go to snacks I think will only make them wise tiny humans. But lets be real ordering pizza every now and than is a must, mommies get tired of cooking and need a day off too.
Reality is I suffer from migraines have for few years and when one of those babies hit like today no cooking is being done by mommy. It's amazing how one little task of not cooking can cause a downward spiral in emotions. Can I be real?? Being a stay at home mom or just a mom does not mean we or I have all the answers. I am literally winging it! My house is not a pigpen at all but is it spotless? NEVER! I have 4 kids who spend most the days being ninjas princesses or creative preteens. That is okay.
When a migraine hits its like a tornado. My emotions are all over the place. Everything hurts and all noises make it worse. A house containing 4 kids equals no silence. Smells make me want to vomit and if I don't get to my anti-nausea medicine fast than that's exactly what happens. Which boost that migraine for a level 4 to 10 in no time. Dwelling on the pain and listening to the guilt of needing some me time can seriously make any mom feel even worse. But the reality is me time is necessary to be a healthy amazing mom. I was me before I was a mom. Taking time to nap or have a long bath is okay. That's when dad can step in so mom can get back to being herself! Team work makes the dream work!
Today has been one of those migraine filled days. It began as a headache yesterday and due to maybe 6 hours of sleep it came in like a wrecking ball (that literally made me lol). I was no use to anyone. As I laid in my bed balling because yet again another migraine has ruined the day I opened up my bible to read "Peace of mind must precede peace in every other area of our lives. Isaiah 26:3 promises perfect peace to those who keep their minds on God. When we allow our minds to wander and when we think too much about everything we do, we push ourselves out of peace and into turmoil; when we think about the future and the responsibilities we will have, we can be overwhelmed. This kind of thinking is called anxiety. Likewise, we grow anxious and lose our peace when we spend today trying to figure out tomorrow or we try to live tomorrow in our minds today.
We will never enjoy the rich and fruitful lives God intends for us unless we learn to discipline our thoughts and resist anxiety by keeping our minds on God. I often say: "Where the mind goes, the man follows". Let your mind lead you into peace."- The Everyday Life Bible. Which is so true! So today will not be ruined! I took some medicine, put on some classical music in my ear buds, did what makes me happy sketched and now I will be superwoman. Don't let one hiccup ruin your day, pray stay focused on God and know we as mom's are not supposed to have it all together it's okay to take a day off and just have you time your family will love you for it in the end.
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