My reality check

  I love how crazy amazing life is! Life has a funny way of as soon as you figure everything out and have all the plans of how your life is going to work out, it comes shakes and stirs everything up for you. My expectations, my goals and my reality are so far from each other. Ironically unlike my old self I am okay with it. I am extremely calm and okay. I have come to an amazing understanding these past few months....... I am not in control!! Yes I am mommy and queen bee in my house but in the end God is the creator and writer of my story.
  Before being promoted to stay at home mom I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and migraines. I am 31 years old!!!!! Yes I have four kids and things can be crazy but I eat healthy. I am always on the move. High blood pressure should not be an issue! But it was. It was real and so was my constant stress, my continuous need to calculate our bills than recalculate, the need to try to like a boss who made it fairly obvious she hated me from the rumors she created. All these things added to my stress and overwhelming migraines that happened on a weekly basis. I was on a few different medicines, one an anti-depressant that will help me sleep but small print indicates that the medicine may cause depression and suicidal thoughts SMH but would help with migraines and muscle relaxers to help relax me. As soon as my "promotions" happened a weight was lifted. No longer did I have that stress. I no longer had that income but I had that peace and understanding it would all be okay. Medication was gone!!
  I understand now that in order to be an amazing stay-at-home mom and business owner I need to be able to breath! I need to be okay with being me.  I need to understand I am not in control of everything around me the only thing I have the true capability of controlling are my emotions. Things will never be perfect. What makes the memory perfect is the journey. The craziness makes a lasting imprint that may seem stressful but only because it will be a forever memory I will cherish. Relying on God and knowing that he truly will never leave me or forsake me, that he has created me for a purpose not stress, that my dream and visions might be crazy to some but he gave them to ME. Not everyone will understand them or be able to dream as big or crazy as you and that's okay. I had to learn not everyone will be my cheerleader and that's okay. Learning to love people who are not always in your corner and cheering you on is rough but definitely possible. Learn to love the bumps in the road. The hiccups embrace them and laugh with them because you know the best is yet to come because greatness is in you!


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