Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Embrace even the small moments
  Today is the day like many others where I usually ponder on the job I've done. Did I love them enough? Did I teach them what I wanted them to learn? Might sound morbid but I've lost so many people in my life my goal as a mother is: to love them so much if I was to not be here tomorrow my love for them would never be questioned. These tiny humans I was so blessed to carry and man did it hurt to deliver them but never do I want to spend a day not being honored and grateful to be their mother. Never do I want them to ever feel as though they are a burden. No honey God blessed me with all 7 of you! (Crazy 7 babies!!! Of course 3 we will see in heaven take care of them for me until than Wella) I heard a song today called Slow Down, basically just referring to how fast these little people grow. Of course I cried like I do with commercials, smiling babies and puppies. Our moments with these tiny humans are just that.
My tiny humans
I look at them and sometimes wonder "How did I get so lucky?" yes they are crazy at times.....most times honestly lol. But it makes me really realize how much God loves me. When they mess up after a conversation and possibly a punishment we talk about it and they are forgiven. I can't look at them and say they are bad kids because life and death is in the power of the tongue. What would I teach them? Would they take that on truly believing they are bad? God doesn't do that to me. He doesn't look at all the millions of times I have failed and define me as those faults so I refuse to do that to them. If my God can forgive me and grant me grace and mercy I should be doing the same thing with these tiny humans.

  Yesterday was one of those amazing life lesson days. Might seem silly but I decided that Mother's Day needed a little French Macaroon included in it. But being who I am I couldn't go out and buy them. See I have this amazing life changing and pretty much my life assistant app called Pinterest which I can find any recipe on. So we got up early went out to the grocery store grabbed the smallest bag of almond flour which was also the only size they sold for 7.99 (I almost had a heart attack paying for). I came home watched some good old YouTube videos and decided this cookie even though said by most was one of the hardest to make will be so simple. HA! Boy did I learn those people were telling the truth. The kids were so happy to be able to taste them. They were all cheering me on. So I did what any mom would do....let them get wet outside as I had a mini meltdown and threw the second batch of burnt flat cookies away. Kids took a nap and I had to have a breathing moment. I did what any responsible adult would do. I went to my mama's house saw my nephew showed her the stupid YouTube video which I think was made my a 9 year old. My mom agreed with me these cookies just take to much, maybe I should give in and just buy them. I couldn't!! See in my house we have a rule: I can't is never to be said! So I grabbed my phone came home. My babies were so happy to try the cookies only to find out mama threw them in the trash. They asked me "mom are you giving up" I smiled and responded "NOPE". While I was mixing the egg whites which have to have stiff peaks they stood by cheering and dancing in the kitchen. When we placed cookies in the over we all sat right by it waiting for the cookies to rise. We cheered them on in what only seemed right a French accent screaming "rise", "rise up lil macaroons".  When they did we all celebrated, dancing may have been involved. Okay it was we now have a macaroon dance lol. When they tasted it they were so happy, they are honest kids so if something is bad they have no shame telling me. But they loved them and the buttercream filling. Than my 5 year old Jojo looks at me gives me a high five says "see mama knew you could do it, I'm so proud". In that moment as silly as it might seem I taught those babies. I didn't just tell them not to say can't and they can do anything if they try I showed them.
The infamous French Macaroons
  As silly as sitting in front of the oven and cheering on cookies to rise might be it was perfect. We made memories every time they see a macaroon they will remember that silly dance we all did, they will remember talking in French accent will only help the French cookie truly rise. That sometimes things are going to get tough, that stopping to take a break, walking away for a moment to breath is okay. They will remember that I didn't give up no matter how hard it was or how many people told me it would be. Those lessons are priceless, those moments are what its all about! To all you mothers out there winging it keep up the good work! Happy Mother's Day!


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