Its an honor......this mom life

  Tiger stripes run down the sides of my belly and fade down my thighs, my body has shifted and made a new kind of beautiful. My hours of sleep have slowly diminished and naps are never on purpose. I no longer watch movies all the way through usually end with me napping in between. My room is no longer my own a mess of toys randomly through out the day flood my floors. My car windows I have learned will always have tiny finger prints. Crumbs are everywhere no matter how much vacuuming I do they always return. Dirty clothes are never ending. Grocery clerks see me more often than any beauty salon. My normal is always changing to match whatever works. I am no longer first. I worry more than I ever have before. Worry about the day, your future, people hurting you, me leaving early. I am always questioning my ability. Am I good enough? Will I do you justice? Will I be here long enough to love you enough? I have loved before but never truly knew the meaning of unconditional love until they handed me you. I understand sacrifice and being selfless. I understand that these days that are crazy and call for a glass of wine are tiny gems. I know that diamonds and material things mean nothing in the end. I understand that you can have the finest things in life but miss out on what I have. I look at your eyes and see dreamers, fearless fighters, divas, tiny warriors who are kind and patient and love unconditionally. I appreciate you tiny humans for choosing me. For loving me beyond my flaws. I cherish it all. My heart is so full as I type this one tiny human sleeping in the corner in his toddler bed, the other laying on my arm because she needs mama. I complain and days get tough but I promise I will appreciate the time we have together. That I will give you more good days than bad. I love you more than all the stars in the sky and all the fish in the sea because you give me the privilege of being your mommy


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