Week 2...wtf?

Being a stay at home mom: wtf am I doing?

   I went from celebrating my 8 year anniversary with work to being fired  the following day lol. Now I have been promoted to stay at home mom. This month has been a roller coaster. I have four babies who I am so beyond blessed to have;10,7,5 and 1.  I love these lil critters more than anything but man no one prepared me on this whole being a stay at home mom gig. Prior to staying home I worked fulltime, 4 days a week 10 hours a day, ran all my errands on my days off handled the bills and grocery shopping. Working 4 days a week was cake compared to this.                                                                                                                             

  My worries when working was “what’s for lunch?”. Too funny now a days my worries are washing clothes, groceries, cooking and who took a bath?? But I love it!! I never use to be a morning person and now I am up at 5 am some days. I wake up shower, change, do my make up (just cause you stay home does not mean you shouldn’t look fierce......always look fierce!!) cleaning and waiting for these monkey’s to wake up. Coffee is still a must have maybe more now than ever. No one could of prepared me for this at all! I not to sound totally rude but thought this would be cake. I could stay in bed all  day or not worry about anything just play with the kids not like work where there is training and different procedure changes or the management. But this oh lord this is so much work. Day 3 I spent hours on Pinterest researching blog after blog on wth to do. Mom after mom said to make a schedule that routine is key....they were right. That night I drafted up my schedule for the week didn’t go to bed until 1 am only to wake up at 6 am next day. Apparently I am only supposed to travel on 2 days out of the week to make sure I don’t stray from my normal house routines. So many rules!!!!Also learning at home no one delivers Chinese food to my house and none of these kids are willing to go half on lunch...so rude!  
  I know all will be fine and workout. I know it will be a learning process and I shouldn’t expect to have it all together in two weeks. I also know that I will totally not be a pta mom. Why must all those woman wear juicy sweats?? Ain’t no one want to see all that. But I do know I no longer have migraines or a crazy boss over my shoulders worrying about what I’m doing. I just have a crazy 1 year old screaming “mama I nae nae” and saying mama a zillion times. I’ll take my current situation over a crazy boss any day.


  1. Your pretty good at blogging. Keep it up. Hugs. Maybe next week we can do lunch. I will pay half. Lol. Hugs

  2. Your pretty good at blogging. Keep it up. Hugs. Maybe next week we can do lunch. I will pay half. Lol. Hugs

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  4. Mother Blogger! Awesomeness ��

    While being a stay-at-home mom don't forget about your connection with your maker. It's sooooo easy to do with such a busy schedule. Make time for you and Him to have talks everyday. "War Room" type of talks.... Just you and Him when it's quiet. The last thing you wanna do is leave your relationship with Him hangin cuz He is your peace....
    Being a stay-at-home mom is just a title and means nothing to those who have never filled those shoes! They have no idea ��
    You can go from Nutritionist, Phsychologist, Chauffeur, Chef, Doctor, Teacher, Minister, Nurse, Lawyer, Police, to Mom, Dad, Or Friend in a matter of seconds!
    That's pretty taxing on your mind...Leaving you mentally and physically drained.

    You need peace of mind, piece of cake, and peace be with you attitude to carry out your new role! Find out What He has in store for you....Put Him first in your equation and you will undoubtedly find your your daily dose of peace ��
    “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    I love you boo ��

  5. Awh nunu love you too!!! Thank you!!


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