New life changes


  This past summer came and went faster than I expected. This school year is already here and I have a 7th, 4th and 1st grader. How did that happen so fast? My babies are not babies anymore. Being a stay at home mom them going back to school was that small glimmer of hope I held on to as they fought every single day during summer. But now that they started their first week I found myself tearing up that first day. Of course like last year they were too cool to walk to class hand in hand with mom and dad they wanted to walk solo, run on the playground and reacquaint with friends. I was proud they were not afraid however a little sad that we raised such independent children.

  As a young teen all I could think of was wanting to move away from my parents experience that independence make my own choices and do whatever I wanted. Adulthood sounded so fun and adventure and not to say it hasn't been but man does that change when you have your own kids. Don't
get me wrong we have an adventure daily with these tiny humans and the amount of joy and love they have brought into our lives is so beyond anything I could of imagined. But why didn't anyone warn me of the worry that came along with these humans??? Worry if they will be kind, strong willed, if they will get bullied, be a bully, will they get sick all these things I of course have to end up handing over to God in prayer because lets be real in parenting if there is one thing we learn we are really not in control God is! This year along with the regular mom worry I found myself indulged in random documentaries. Some people watch Sex and The City I like to binge on documentaries. I am full of random facts lol. But this year well this summer it was food. What are we eating? I had already indulged when we found out about our lil man and ADHD in the world of gluten free and sugar but what about the rest of what we ate? We stumbled upon "What the health" and of course it happened to be the day after a intense day of grocery shopping. I had just did a darn good job of making sure everything I bought went with my monthly meal plan and of course was super cheap. Well this documentary made ME be a chicken eating everyday girl, who loves bacon anything and bbq shredded pork any day of the week to rethinking everything I knew. I am a Hispanic girl who grew up eating shredded beef tacos, bacon for breakfast, chorizo and eggs with beans and papas burritos my entire life and my husband loves chicken anyway I cook it and that shredded pork happened to be my families favorite. Here we were left with that worry and wonder......was I doing the best thing for my kids?? Was I doing the best thing for me???
I have a huge family what would they think? I am a grown women with kids but yes that question crossed my mind. But than I realized I am not living for any of them I am living for those crazy tiny humans who drive me bananas. So what is best for me?? I have had the conversation recently how what if all of what if all the back to back documentaries I indulged in for honestly a week straight what if every person lied? what if those doctor's did not tell the truth? What if I just ate free range and grass fed? But my question is what if they were right? What if I can add years to my life by saying bye bye to bacon and that amazing shredded pork? What if I swapped out that big fat bacon burger for a veggie burger? I think worrying about the what if they were right would be a bigger chance for me to take. So this year we took the plunge we are month in to the vegetarian life and going strong!!!
 I figure if I can teach these crazy kids one thing in life it will be to be different. I mean I do have purple pinkish hair so I'm pretty sure they can tell I'm okay with different. But I want them to try things even if to everyone else it makes no sense. Follow your heart if it means something to you do it and be passionate about it. You were not meant to follow everyone in your circle you were meant to make your own path. Take care of yourself always and build up those around you. Be amazing tiny humans!!


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