Tiny humans

  The definition of Harassment : aggressive pressure or intimidation, disturbing,  pestering or troubling repeatedly. Example: "they were harassed by the police". During harassment in the work place charges are able to be filed. Court or even firing of an employee might happen. You can complain and the actions of others come with consequences. That however is in the workplace. I am learning I do not have those rights at home with these tiny humans.
  I am constantly followed and harassed my name "mommy" is shouted out loudly a countless number of times. If I refuse to answer I suffer consequences as though I have done something wrong. These consequences range from either a calm "Mom I've called you" to a full blow tantrum in Target while I try to search for non stick cooking spray which happened today. Asking for the harassment to stop doesn't seem to help it is almost as though I am asking for them to repeat my name that much more.
  These tiny humans are relentless lil ninja's I tell you. Every room I enter they are right behind me. How do they move so fast? How did I not hear them? How and why is that small one always attached to my leg? Every time I sit down they are there, two couches in one house and they have to be on the one I am sitting on. When did my plate become a buffet?? My food is NOT community food!!!
  The tiny one is either the ring leader/ mastermind her cuteness does not fool me. However that smile does melt my heart every darn time. These darn lil ninjas are driving me crazy, making Starbucks rich and teaching me so much. I love these tiny humans!


  1. Omg...I honestly love your blog. ..and that is saying A Lot because I have read many, and never commented until now....you are an amazing writer, and obviously an even more amazing mom. Please keep writing, and hey if you ever decide to write a book, I would love to have an autographed copy. Your blog made my day, and I'm sharing with those I love so it will make theirs as well ..thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!! I definitely appreciate it. If I ever write a book you will definitely get a signed copy. Thank you for joining me on this crazy journey. ♥


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