Build them up

  As mothers day approaches I think I will hug my mama a little tighter this year. I honestly feel like being a stay at home mom these past few months has made me truly appreciate all mothers around me. All of our stories and struggles are different but we are all trying to raise these tiny humans to be amazing adults. We are all comparing ourselves to the next mom we need to stop and realize we are all just winging it. I've learned asking for help is okay! That sometimes frozen pizza or organic chicken nuggets and French fries are the perfect dinner. We don't have to have all the answers or over exhaust ourselves to show we are good mothers, we just have to love those babies and do the best we can. When we truly love our kids and can model to them what being a good person is I feel as though we are winning this mom thing. The biggest and greatest complement anyone can give me now is not "how do you do it all?" nope its "your kids are amazing!" that right there warms my heart. I want my kids to know they are capable, good enough and beyond amazing little blessings and I am so honored and proud to be their mom. I am going to fall short at times I am only human. But if I let my days overwhelm me to the point that I tear my kids apart I start to diminish the shine God gave them and I refuse to do that. It breaks my hearts to hear the way some moms talk about their kids and to their kids. We as women get hurt some easier than others imagine how are kids feel when we verbally hurt them. It's our job to build our babies up not tear them down. My babies and I have built amazing communications where if I mess up call me on it. If I say something that was crazy or hurt your feelings call me on it so we can talk about it and I can apologize. I want them to know owning up to your faults, that its okay to be wrong but its even better to talk about it and to come up with a solution and fix it. Team work makes the dream work!! Building up our babies will only make them even better adults who are going to truly believe they can conquer anything! Pray with them, love on them, build them up and show them they can do it all because you have always given them the confidence to do so!


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