Let me rest my cape

  The constant battle of time management is so real. Being a mother, a wife and business owner is similar to being on a tight rope holding 3 loads of laundry trying to balance and not fall off. Reality is something is going to give in. All super hero's need to rest their cape.
  Balance and time management have been the biggest struggles these past few months. Wanting to be the best stay at home mom has been my goal. However I have noticed the goals I set for myself are far to high I will never reach them. Why do we as mothers do that to ourselves? I find myself on Pinterest comparing myself to these mothers that do it all and have a spotless home. Which in reality is false!! They probably have maids! My situation and there's is not the same so why compare myself?? But I do than I fall short and with defeat have to go back to drawing board and re-plan my strategy to concur the next day. My house is so far from spotless the reality is I have four kids and they not robots they love to play so with play comes mess and that's okay!
  I have to keep reminding myself that "delay does not mean deny" as my pastor always reminds us. I do the comparing with my business as well. I look at others an wonder why I am not there yet? But I have learned have the thought of doubt than move on. We as woman (speaking to myself) have to stop comparing! My goals and the next persons are not the same. I am learning that small steps to get to the big goals are the best way to try and meet them.
  Lately I have been on the go all day. I have this amazing idea to make all my families meals. That they will not eat processed food if they do it will be when I am beyond drained and hey no one is perfect. But with that comes multiple trips to the grocery store to the point the cashiers hug you because they have seen you everyday they worked and know your kids by name (true story). That also involves preparing food, cooking it and serving it. Oh I also thought I would go green and refrain from dishwasher so washing them dishes by hand up that takes up time. Oh lets not forget the laundry swear its never ending. Plus cleaning up rest of the living room so at least downstairs can get away with somewhat looking presentable. With that being said only the few that can be trusted are allowed upstairs to see my clean laundry that are still waiting to be put away and hung in laundry baskets....yes I said baskets there are more than one. Oh did I leave out the fact I am the only driver so back and forth picking up and dropping off people at school and work at all hours of the day have to be fit in. Once all that is done and everyone is home for end of day I still need to prepare dinner ......exhausted!! Mission organize my life in full effect this month!!


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